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Red Land Youth Baseball

Red Land Youth Baseball



  • Age Bracket: 4-6 year olds (Click Here for league age requirements & level of play guidelines)
  • Recommended Max Team Size: 9 Players
  • Field Size: NA/60
  • Pre-Game Warm-Up: Both teams shall share infield and outfield space prior to the game for the purpose of warm-up. No batting practice should occur at home plate.
  • Game Length: 3-4 Innings, 75 Minute Limit. No new inning to start after 60 minutes of play.
  • Ball Requirements: Rawlings T-Ball. Each team will supply their own balls.
  • Bat Requirements: USA Baseball or T-ball Stamp (Click Here for bat rules)
  • Helmet Requirements: All batters and base runners are required to wear proper batting helmets that are in acceptable condition (no cracks, missing padding, etc)
  • Scoring: No Score Kept, No league Standings
  • Umpires: Coaches are umpires with the coach closest to the play having the call at that base.
  • Time-Outs: Managers and coaches cannot freeze plays, but can call a time-out any time after a play is over to instruct a player


  • The offensive team should have coaches at first and third base, a coach on the tee, and a coach or parent to manage the bench and on-deck circle (if available). Any “coach” under the age of 18 must wear a helmet while on the field.


  • When a team is at bat, only one player is allowed to be in the fenced on-deck area. There must be a coach monitoring the on-deck area or it is not allowed to be used. The player must wear a batting helmet while in the on deck area. The remaining players not on-deck, batting, or on the bases should be on the bench. Only the batter and the batter on-deck should be holding a bat.
  • All players bat once each inning. Batting order may be rotated from inning to inning at coaches discretion. The “Last Batter” should be announced prior to the players at bat. The last batter will run all bases. The ½ inning is over when all players have batted once. The next inning will start with the coaches choice of the lineup.
  • The batter will hit from the tee placed at home plate by their own coach. The coach will assist the batter with teeing of the ball and their batting stance. There will be no strikeouts and no swing limit.
  • If the batter hits the tee but the ball still rolls into play, it will also be considered foul. The coach placing the ball on the tee will be the sole judge of whether the batter hits the tee. All swings that come into contact with the tee must be identified immediately by the Home Plate coach by shouting “FOUL BALL.”
  • Managers or coaches should draw a five foot arc within the foul lines from the rear of home plate. A batted ball within the arc is considered a foul ball. This includes both pitched and teed balls. All balls put into play that do not go past this five foot arc must be identified immediately by the Home Plate coach by shouting “FOUL BALL.” Therefore, bunting is also not permitted.
  • A batted ball that lands or rolls foul should be called a “FOUL BALL” according to official baseball rules.
  • Throwing the bat after the ball is hit is not allowed. After the first infraction the player shall receive a verbal warning. After the second occurrence, the player should be called out. Players should be encouraged to drop their bat and run when any ball is batted or when a ball is put into play by a coach. Players should be strongly discouraged from throwing their bat or any other equipment.

Base Running

  • A base runner who is called out must leave the field.
  • Leading and stealing are not permitted. Base runners must wait until the ball is hit into play to leave the base.
  • Only 1 base may be advanced at a time. Base runners may not advance extra bases on hits, overthrows, errors or pass balls.
  • Sliding is not taught at this level and players are to be discouraged from sliding.


  • As season progresses, coaches may choose to try coach pitching to batters. If this is attempted, there is a strict 7 pitch limit, before bringing out the tee. If a batted ball hits the manager/coach who is pitching, the ball shall be played as a live ball. There are no walks for either balls or hit by pitch. It is permissible for a hit batter to take a break then return as the next batter with his/her previous pitch count.
    • There are unlimited 7th pitch fouls.
    • A bad 7th pitch (“ball”) can be re-pitched at the pitching coach’s discretion.
    • If the batter does not hit within 7 pitches, they will get unlimited tries to hit off of the tee.
    • Refer to coach pitch division rules.



  • Up to three coaches/managers are permitted on the field with the defensive team. They must remain behind the players. They are NOT permitted to touch the ball or the players in the field to assist them. If a batted ball can not be avoided, and hits a coach, the ball shall be played as a live ball.


  • Fielding positions should be rotated evenly throughout the game and from game to game. A player should not play the same position more than once in any given game. Effort should be made to get each player on Pitcher, 1st, or 2nd at least once a game.
  • No catcher position is to be played at the T-Ball level.
  • All players in attendance will play the field every inning, regardless of numbers. (ie if there is a team with 11 players in attendance, all 11 players will play the field). Infielders are limited to official infield positions, all other players will be considered outfielders.
  • Outfields should be no closer to home than the grass line of the outfield.
  • Infield Fly Rule is not in effect.
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